photo_2024-05-17_23-58-05 (2).jpg


Total supply: 100,000,000,000

Token burned: 15,000,000,000

Circulating supply: 85,000,000,000

Token name: PhatAzz Cat

Token symbol: $PhatCat

Network: BASE / ETH



Tax: Buy 0% - Sell 0 %

Contract Renounced

Liquidity Pool Tokens burned

Before buying, please make sure, you have the right address. Check the address on your dex, or just copy it below and paste it in your dex.

You may also click on the links below from dexscreener, dextools and uniswap. It will lead you directly to PhatAzz Cat on base /eth.

Again, before swapping, make sure you have the right address.


The PhatAzz Cat meme token was developed by the Community of the Wolfpack Coin token as part of their innovative approach to engaging and rewarding their members. PhatAzz Cat is the inaugural meme token in a series of memes the Wolfpack Community plans to launch. As part of the WolfPack Loyalty Program (WPLP), each qualified member received an airdrop of PhatAzz Cat tokens amounting to 25% of their Wolfpack Coin holdings, subject to a maximum limit per wallet. This initiative reflects the community's commitment to fostering participation and loyalty among its members. For more information about the Wolfpack Coin Community and their Loyalty Program, please follow this link.